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Elias Ericson p3

Swedish comics artist Elias Ericson talks about being contacted by readers who have had similar experiences to those portrayed in his comics...

Ted Intorcio p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to collect a few interesting reading tips. Ted Intorcio is a publisher and distributor of comics that show extra attention to the visual capabilities of the medium. He is also a creator of comics, and has a particular interest in biographical and autobiographical comics. This interview mentions a lot of great autobiographical comics and minicomics.

Ted Intorcio p2

Ted Intorcio recommends some good minicomics....

Ted Intorcio p3

Publisher and comics creator Ted Intorcio talks about running Tinto Press..

Peter Normanton p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to collect a few interesting reading tips. Peter Normanton is a writer of fiction and the author of The Mammoth Book of Slasher Movies, as well as the editor of The Mammoth Book of Horror Comics. This interview features some excellent reading tips for horror fiction.

Peter Normanton p2

The art of maintaining tension and mystery in slasher movies...

Peter Normanton p3

Peter Normanton recommends some books by authors of horror and weird tales...

Peter Normanton p4

Peter Normanton, author of The Mammoth Book of Slasher Movies, talks about character development in slasher movies, with slashers who are also tragic characters...

Brisbane authors p1

Readersvoice.com aims to collect a few interesting reading tips. This issue features reading tips from Brisbane authors, writing in a wide range of genres, from history to thrillers to fantasy. There are plenty of good reading suggestions listed. First up, some tips about books in the genres of fantasy, history and showbiz memoir...

Brisbane authors p2

Good book recommendations for sci-fi, romance and non-fiction books, given by authors Margaret McGuigan and Delia Strange...