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10,000 Jokes, Toasts and Stories p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to give a few samples from out of print or forgotten books. It’s a preview of secondhand books.

Lewis and Faye Copeland compiled a book of jokes and other funny snippets in 1939, republished by Doubleday in hardback in 1965. It’s called 10,000 Jokes, Toasts and Stories.

One section is a collection of howlers from newspapers. A howler is a laughable blunder.

Mr and Mrs M—R—of Denver announce the birth of a small 7-year-old child, who didn’t give his name. – Rifle (Colo.) paper.

After Governor Baldridge watched the lion perform, he was taken to Main Street and fed twenty-five pounds of raw meat in front of the Fox Theater. – Idaho Statesman.

Mrs M. broke her arm recently. She is recovering nicely under the car of Dr Downs. – Riverside (N.J.) paper.

We note with regret that Mrs. J. H. A.—is recuperating from an automobile accident. – Florida Baptist-Witness.

The polls to-night will close at 7 o’clock, and voting should start soon after that. – Manhattan (Kan.) Mercury. Sounds familiar…

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