Film writer for Chums Magazine, 1934-35 annual, Horace Richards writes about sequences…
Sequences are the separate parts of the story which, when put together, make the story as a whole. Every sequence has to have a climax on which the camera can fade-out. For instanc, we have the hero and the villain meeting for the incident which is to lead to the fight. They meet, they talk, they quareel, they fight, the villain goes over the cliff. Fade out! And the next shots may switch over to the heroine’s apartment in another rpart of the town on an evening three days later. That’s the next sequence.
The Script.
Next we have the sequences worked out into what is called continuity. This simply means splitting each sequence up into various stages and camera shots. It is here that the scenario begins to take final shape. The quarrel which leads up to the fight between our hero and villain may necessitate several different “shots,” which may not necessarily be filmed in order.
The best plan, I think, to illustrate this business of continuity is for me to give you part of this quarrel in an imaginary scenario in which Brown is the villain and Green the hero.
-Horace Richards’ imaginary scenario continued next page
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