Clifford Warne states how to create a conflict…
Strong conflict makes powerful stories which hold audiences. When you prepare a story there are two things you want to know.
1.What does the main character want?
2.Who or what stops him from getting it?
Answer the second question and you’ve identified the conflict. Then build this conflict as the opponents attack and counter-attack until at the climax one wins. The climax of a story is the defeat of one of the opposing forces. It doesn’t always leave everybody living happily ever after. It only settles the matter in hand.
When you’ve answered these questions you can start constructing the story.
1.Who is the main character?
2.What does he want?
3.Who or what stops him from getting it?
4.What does he do about this opposition?
5.What happens as a result of his action?
6.What final showdown does this lead to?
7.Does he finally get what he wants?
Listening to a story without conflict is like watching one wrestler. There’s nothing happening to interest us. Conflict is the essential ingredient. Scriptwriters have long learned; no clash – no cash!
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