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Malayan Climax p2

On board a ship out of Singapore in WW2…

In spite of the greater risk from bombs and shells, we were lucky to be able to board the ship from a wharf, some people had first to coerce launch men to take them out to the ships they were bound for,  and then scale rope ladders with their belongings. One elderly and dressy woman told us how she had been taken all round the harbour looking for a ship to take her on board (there were sundry mine sweepers, ammunition ships, etc., which left Singapore about the time we did).

At last one Capt. agreed to have her and she was hauled on board. They took her into a mess filled with men and women and told her there was no accommodation for women and the going would be rough. She, in her best social manner, said “Oh never mind about that, any sort of cabin will do for me.” To the tune of raucous laughter it was explained that there were no cabins, and she could sleep on deck and consider herself lucky.

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