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simon has written 610 posts for readersvoice.com

One Hundred Bible Lessons p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to give a few samples from old, out of print and sometimes forgotten books. Sometimes these are just as good as anything new. And they’re usually a lot cheaper. The best places to find books like these are in opshops or charity stores. This issue features One Hundred Bible Lessons by Alban Douglas. […]

One Hundred Bible Lessons p2

More arguments in favor of the existence of God by Alban Douglas… Here are a couple of other points the author made: Proof from conscience …The honest man will find that the inner still small voice says that God exists and is alive today. Men deny the existence of God not because they cannot find […]

One Hundred Bible Lessons p3

Some other arguments put forward by Alban Douglas for the existence of God… Here are some more points the author made: The moral argument Man has an intellectual and moral nature showing that the Creator must not be merely an inanimate force but a living, intelligent moral Being… Genesis 1:27, God created man in the […]

Man from Arltunga p1

READERSVOICE.COM aims to give a few samples from secondhand books, most of which are out of print and sometimes forgotten. This issue features another book from an opshop in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. These charity stores are great for finding interesting books you might not hear about anywhere else. Man from Arltunga. The life […]

Man from Arltunga p2

Droving cattle in Walter Smith’s younger years, which involved some cattle theft or cattle duffing… Drovers walked cattle long distances in the days before trucks, to get them to market, or to a railhead, or move them to a new property, or to where there was grass to eat in times of drought. Each drover […]

Man from Arltunga p3

How some drovers moved stolen cattle along the journey… The author writes: The number of cattle that allowed themselves to be “borrowed” between Boulia and Cloncurry was considerable, and Walter learnt one of the basic ruses used on cattle duffing while on this drove. The boss drover followed a simple plan. He pushed the legitimate […]

Chatterbox magazine p1

Readersvoice.com aims to give a few samples from interesting out of print books. Sometimes you can find books like these in charity stores or opshops. You can find books there that you wouldn’t otherwise hear about. And they’re often quite cheap.  Here are a few samples from a 1908 annual of a children’s magazine. Chatterbox […]

Chatterbox p2

Some more samples from a 1908 annual of Chatterbox magazine… Old Newspaper Advertisements …Advertisements formed as important a part in the newspapers of our forefathers as they do of ours. We give two specimens. The first concerns a lad who had evidently given a good deal of trouble at home: “I know of a witty […]

Chatterbox p3

Some more samples from a children’s magazine in Edwardian times… An Optical Illusion Visitors to Durham Cathedral are shown a round column in the transept with zig-zag grooves cut as ornamentations from top to bottom. Behind the column, a short distance apart, are two tall windows, and the light from these, falling on the column, […]

Goals, guts and greatness p1

READERSVOICE.Com aims to give a few samples from good secondhand books. Opshops are a good source for books you wouldn’t hear about anywhere else.  This issue features a sample from a 1985 copy of a motivational book called Goals, Guts and Greatness by Mark O. Haroldsen. This book is valuable because it shows that a […]